
How to tell genuine and fake leathers apart

How to tell genuine and fake leathers apart

What is a leather product or carpet? Leather products have been considered luxurious and pricy for so long, and since they are really precious and invaluable, numerous people have attempted to make their fictitious counterparts. Fake leathers are made of either non-genuine or...

Date: 2020-01-25
    online carpet purchase

    Reasons for the growth of online carpet sales

        Reasons for the growth of online carpet sales Nowadays, internet is the best and easiest way to access the online world so that in recent time, internet is considered as an inseparable part of any Iranian house. There are just only a few people who have...

    Date: 2020-01-09

      700reeds carpet, a suitable choice

      700 reeds carpet, a popular member of Iranian houses 700 reeds carpet is incredibly popular and prominent among the Iranians and the people all around the world. This carpet is found in every Iranian house due to its specific features and has a dominant position among its...

      Date: 2019-12-16
        purchase of machine made carpet with awareness from Toos Mashhad

        Please read about machine made carpet before buying it

        Knowledge before buying machine made carpet Obviously, the most important component in the interior design of the house is the flooring. You can provide a comfortable and ideal home environment by choosing a perfect carpet for your house. But what can be done to achieve...

        Date: 2019-09-15
          the carpet with quality fibers

          The role of Acrylic fibers for the health of kids and adults

          When buying a carpet, be careful about the fibers that make it up!!    The importance of quality and fibers materials of house carpet!!! In homes where there are children and the elderly, it is very important to rug the floors of rooms and halls....

          Date: 2019-08-24
            the features of a good carpet

            What are the features of a good machine made carpet?

              10 features of a good machine made carpet A Proper cover for floor of houses is one of the main things to keep in mind. By choosing a suitable flooring, the comfort will transport from foot to the whole body. If you are the kind of person who chooses the home for your...

            Date: 2019-08-15
              When you are buying a carpet, be careful about warning

              When you are buying a carpet, be careful about warning!

                The important points when buying machine made carpet If you have decided to buy machine made carpet , I am going to introduce some important points in order that you buy the carpet with more awareness. When buying the carpet , pay attention to important...

              Date: 2019-08-14
                original carpet

                Don’t buy inequality and fake machine made carpet

                Do we buy expensive machine made carpet or cheap one? People have had a special desire to the carpet since old days. The carpet has always been one of essential goods in every house. The price of carpet, especially handmade carpet has been remarkable from past to now. At the...

                Date: 2019-07-28
                  Toos Mashhad integrated and large

                  The application of integrated and large size carpet

                  What is an integrated and large size carpet and in where it is used? Toos Mashhad Carpet Company is a pioneer in the field of producing machine made carpets and various types of special and ceremonial carpets. In the carpet industry, due to the diversity of design and plan in...

                  Date: 2019-07-17
                    high quality 700 reeds carpet

                    ?What are the features of bestselling 700 reeds carpet

                    When the goods including machine made carpet, has bestselling in long term, it indicates that this product is welcomed by many people and the customer believes in its quality.  This matter is true about machine made carpet and there is no exception about it. Machine made carpet...

                    Date: 2019-07-07
                      Toos Mashhad high bulk carpet

                      high bulk carpet: a new technology in the machine made carpet industry

                      Introduction of high bulk carpet The machine made carpet industry has experienced a variety of machine made carpets since the beginning  to now including: 500 reeds machine-made carpet, 700 reed machine made carpets, 1000 reeds machine made carpets, 1200 reeds machine...

                      Date: 2019-03-16
                        customer-oriented is the motto of customer-orientation

                        Customer-oriented as one of the most important principles in Toos Mashhad carpet

                        What is the customer-oriented? One of the key successes in corporate and large organizations is to adhere to customer orientation principles and pay special attention to customers. An organization for its success should place customer satisfaction at the priority. But...

                        Date: 2019-03-14