How to choose between 1500,1200,1000 and 700 reeds carpets
If you visit carpet markets and exhibitions, you will notice that most of the current carpet industry consists of 700 reeds, 1000 reeds, 1200 reeds and 1500 reeds carpets. The 320 reeds and 500 reeds are vanishing from the stores and carpets with more density are replacing them. But are carpets with higher number of reeds really better? How can we know which carpet is more suitable for us to buy?
Which carpet is better?
Identifying the best carpet is not as simple as you might think. There are many factors that should be considered. Apart from the number of reeds and density, the type of sleeping thread, the type of weft thread and even the model of the machine with which the carpet is woven are of great importance.
The Material of Pile Yarn
In the Iranian market, various yarns are used for weaving carpets. For example, acrylic, polyester, polyester virgin, bamboo and BCF are among these yarns. The best and most popular of the mentioned yarns is acrylic yarn. It must be noted that, unfortunately, some companies combine acrylic and polyester threads in order to deceive the buyer and sell their carpets under the name of acrylic. So make sure you buy the carpet from a reliable and authentic brand that guarantees the material. Toos Carpet Company uses top notch 100% acrylic yarn in all its products.
The Material of Weft Yarn
The type of weft yarn is of considerable importance and unfortunately is not given much attention. The price of carpets woven with cotton weft is more than 10 percent higher. That’s another reason why you should not look for the cheapest carpet you can find in the market. Carpets that are woven with polyester weft will rot and tear after a while and washing them shortens their lifespan, Toos Carpet company offers all its products with 100% cotton weft، yet according to the customer's order, it is also possible to produce with polyester weft as well.
The number of reeds and the density of the carpet
Reeds refers to the number of threads in the width of the carpet and the number of threads and knots in the length of the carpet. The higher the number of reeds in the carpet, the higher the number of threads in the width of the carpet, and the higher the density, the higher the number of threads in the length of the carpet, and as a result, the carpet will have higher resistance and durability. Because if the number of threads used in the texture is less, the carpet will go flat sooner and lose its beauty. it should be noted that in carpets with higher density, due to the significant increase in the weight of the carpet, the height of the pile is reduced. For example, if the sleeping height of seven hundred reeds carpets is ten millimeters, their approximate weight will be forty kilograms. To produce a 1500 reeds carpet whose density is more than twice that of 700 reeds carpets, if the sleeping height of 10 millimeters is taken into account, its weight will be 100 kg, which will not be economical in terms of price and transportation. Therefore, they reduce the sleeping height of carpets with higher density so that the weight of the carpet remains constant at around 40 kg. Reducing the height of the piles would also increase the lifespan of denser carpets. For example, shaggy carpets, which have the highest pile height, are beaten and slept earlier than all other types. 1500 reeds carpets have the highest durability.
As technology advances, the thickness and density of carpets also increases. Day by day, we see that more and more companies abandon their 500 and even 700 reeds weaving machines and start producing 1200 and 1500 reeds carpets. 1200 reeds carpets had many opponents and critics in the early years of production, but these carpets gradually attracted wholesalers and the attention of the carpet market. This will also happen for 1500 reeds carpets. We should accept the elegance, beauty, durability and undeniable softness of 1500 reeds carpets and accept that maybe in a few years there will not be a name of the popular 700 reeds carpets in the market.
Comparison of 1500 reeds, 1200 reeds and 700 reeds carpet
As we mentioned earlier, the number of the reeds of the carpet is directly related to its durability. Higher number of reeds leads to longer lifespan. And, of course, pay attention to the fact that the reeds and higher density make it possible to be more creative in the design of carpets and to use much more elegant designs for the texture of these carpets. So the carpets with a higher number of reeds are superior in terms of design and pattern. Of course, a large number of people still like the classic and old and low-density designs of 700 reeds because these carpets have a higher sleeping height and when we step on them, we will experience a feeling of softness and comfort. It should also be noted that 1500 reeds carpets are more expensive than 700-reeds carpets, so higher number of reeds in the carpet means higher price. Our advice to you is that if you have a limited budget, get a 1500-reeds or 1200-reeds carpet for your hall to bring its elegance and beauty to your home, and instead use 700-reeds carpets for your bedrooms which are more economical.
Advantages of 1500 reeds carpets: The highest level of elegance, beauty, and durability
Advantages of 1200 reeds carpets: Elegance, beauty, and high durability, and more reasonable price than 1500 reeds carpets.
Advantages of 700 reeds carpets: long and soft sleep, very reasonable price, and good Durability
Our 1200 reeds-like Carpets
According to the needs of customers, Toos Mashhad Company has been able to implement the designs of 1200 reeds carpets on its 700 reeds carpets. 1200-like carpets are actually the same 700 reeds carpets. But Thanks to the designs of 1200 reeds and the HighBulk yarn, they look similar to the 1200 reeds carpets. So you can have these beautiful modern carpets with the most appropriate price to make your home look beautiful and classy.