How to import Persian carpet from Iran despite the sanctions
Why should you import Persian carpets?
Persian carpets are well known for top-quality carpets everywhere. Persia has always been exporting carpets to all over the world. The history of Persian carpet exportation can trace back to more than 2500 years ago. Persian rugs always were beautiful and durable in comparison to their rivals. And that is why Persian carpet were able to find their way thousands of miles and reach far continents.
Even nowadays, Handmade and Machine made carpets from Iran (Persia) are of a much higher build quality and elegance in comparison to its modern foreign rivals. Iran used to be the world's lead carpet exporter but after the emergence of international sanctions many importers were unable to import Persian carpets anymore and they had to replace them with Turkish or Chinese carpets.
Why are Persian carpets better than all of the rivals?
Iranian carpet manufacturers are much older and more experienced in comparison to their rivals. Some of them have been in the industry for almost a century. Apart from the experience of the companies, Iran has the world's best carpet designers who are experts and much more experienced in comparison to their rivals. If you have a glimpse at Persian carpet designs and compare them to their rivals you would vividly see how would they shine in the comparison and how sophisticatedly are they designed. \
As well as shining in the carpet industry, Iran has always been a leading yarn manufacturer in the region. So not only they are experienced in the production of machine-made carpets but also they are utilizing well-known Iranian yarns with top-notch quality so in the rivalry Iran outshines the rivals who are using cheap poor quality Chinese yarn.
How can you import your favorite Persian rugs despite the existence of international sanctions?
There are some prominent Persian carpet manufacturers which are not just based in Iran and they have some foreign branches. Toos Mashhad carpet manufacturing company is one of these companies. We can send the carpets to you from Jebel Ali (port of UAE) and the origin of the goods in all of the documentation will be considered UAE so we can guarantee that you will not face any kind of problem after purchasing carpets from our company.
Through our agents in Turkey and UAE, we have been exporting our carpets to many countries in Africa, Europe, East Asia, and America without the tiniest problem.
How can you contact our export manager?
Contact information of our export manager to answers all of your questions and help you furthur is as follow:
Email: tooscarpetcommerce@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +989152004458